Day 3
Now that I’ve sort of familiarized myself with Unity, things don’t seem so bleak. Through the numerous tutorials that I’ve watched so far from the 2D course, I’ve learned a lot. Day 1 to 2, I’ve learned the basics from variables to scripts, floats, bool, integers, etc…; how to set up a project; create a player; and established it’s movement. It was a lot to take in but I was able to push through it.
Today, I was able to see further development. I learned how to code for shooting and how to set it up. Next I moved onto developing an enemy and establishing it’s movements. I, then learned to setup the relationship between player lives and enemy damage. There were a few moments throughout today’s process where I had to take a pause and back-track through previous videos. By doing so, I was able to understand why I was receiving error messages and how to fix them.
Even though this project is in it’s simplest form, I enjoyed being able to control my player and interact with the enemy I created. I can’t wait to develop my project further!