GameDevHQ: Day 2
Just 2 days in, I have a new found respect for gaming developers and programmers. Playing games daily, prior to this program, I never thought much about what went into a game. The moment I started the 2D course is the moment I realized what I was in for.
Overwhelming is an understatement. The complexity and the amount of time spent on the smallest details, on top of having to essentially learn a new language, has been an eye-opener. However, you are not alone. When I had trouble figuring out how to do this and that, I would always refer to the #all-question-answer channel discussion chat through Slack, an online platform utilized by GameDevHQ. One thing I appreciate about this job is the access to a community of people that helps and supports me. Another thing that has been helpful is the simplicity of the instructional (coursework) videos by Jonathan. Having these resources available to me has made this process a little less daunting.